Category: Uncategorized

Penang, Malaysia

Hey everyone! I would write more but there really hasn’t been anything to write about in the last couple of days! Our stay in Penang is coming to a close. We fly to Medan, Indonesia tomorrow and will be ministering there through Sunday. So far everything has been amazing! We have been taking the time to prepare for what we will teach during the services in Medan. I will be leading an English service on Wednesday and a Youth service on Saturday so definitely pray for me! Thank you still for your continued support and prayers! Blessings!

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia (cont.)

Hey everyone! so great to get to write to you all again! Everything has been amazing here. It is crazy that we only have two days left. God of course has been moving mightily in our services, and there have been many receive Christ as their Savior! Right now I am sitting in a Starbucks in a nearby town… Feels a little bit like home even though I hate coffee! But everything is good, and I just wanted to let you know that I am alright! I continue to thank you for your prayers and support. You guys are such a blessing! Love you all!

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Hey everyone!! I know it has been a while but I have not had internet for a few days now. Tuesday we flew to Penang, Malaysia, an island city, and Wednesday we spent the day shopping and at the beach! Yesterday we took a four hour bus ride up to the Cameron Highlands where we will be staying until next Wednesday. We already did a service last night and it was amazing! Everything is so beautiful around here! It’s like being in the mountains except it’s not forest but jungle everywhere! Well I will try to get back soon. Love all you guys!

Khonkaen, Thailand (end)

So we are down to our last night in Khonkaen. God has done amazing things here, and I am so excited for the seeds that have been planted. Today we ministered for the last time at two churches. It was cool because some of us got the opportunity to pray for a women whose feet were curled up in a ball. God has just opened some amazing doors so far, and I am so grateful and humbled to be a part of it! Next we head back to Bangkok tomorrow and then Tuesday we fly to Penang, Malaysia where we will be ministering up in the Cameron Highlands. Love all you guys so much and be sure if you can to stop by my facebook and check out the pictures from the outreach!

Khonkaen, Thailand (cont….)

Wow another amazing day! God continues to move and show himself in these peoples’ lives, and it is so honoring to get to see it happen! Today we had a little rest and relaxation in the morning, which is always nice! Then, in the afternoon a group of us went and ministered at another school. The team did amazing as always! I am excited because God has given such and opportunity to grow and learn from speaking to leading worship w/ the guitar! After that we did a service for the church that has been our backbone and support through the week. God showed up in a huge way! His presence saturated the place, and many lives were touched. The team stepped up and did an awesome job. I am so humbled to be here and with them! Thank you again for the prayer and support! You have no idea how much difference it makes! Love you guys! Oh and a shout out to my aunt Shana (still working on the gangsta name) who tried to comfort me when I was locked out of my hotel room today!!

Khonkaen, Thailand (cont.)

It has been another wonderful day in Thailand full of heat and humidity! This morning we went to another school and ministered to about 300 students. God definitely moved through the kids, and they seemed very receiving towards what was being said. Things constantly change, but it is always amazing to see in hindsight what God moved to make something else possible! Right now we are resting, and then tonight we will be doing a crusade for the parents of the students and we expect good things! I can never say it enough, so thank you so much for your continued prayer and support!

Khonkaen, Thailand

Hey everybody! Just dropping by to update you all on the trip. We finally arrived in Thailand on Friday which would have been Thursday for you. We then drove to Khonkaen where we will be staying for the rest of the week. Today we just got done ministering at a small church. It was amazing what God did there, and I am excited to see what will happen next. Tomorrow we go to Laos for two days to do some things there. Thank you for your continued prayer and support! Love all you guys!

Hong Kong, China

Hey everybody! I decided to blog while I am gone just to keep everybody updated. Plus, I can’t call half of you so this is just easier! Right now I am sitting in an airport in Hong Kong, waiting to board a flight to Bangkok, Thailand. The flight here was as good as could be expected; I am just ready to get there and be done with flying for a little while. Love all you guys and stay tuned for more updates.