God of our Mess.

3am at an airport isn’t typically the best time for profound thoughts, but then again, you can find God at any moment of your life if you are looking!  


As I get ready to leave for this pastor’s conference in Lima, Peru, I’m trying to find the correct terminal because my airline information is only in Spanish and realizing the flight number on my itinerary doesn’t match any on the schedule.  Then God just works it all out, even to the simplest of details, having a very sweet lady help me get my things situated.


And I reminded of His faithfulness.  I’m reminded that while He is God of the universe, God of every created being from beginning to end, He is God of every detail of my life whether it is needing a miracle for health or even needing a great parking spot!


There is a saying that comes to mind that for some reason I feel like my mom used to have on a sign in her kitchen, which said, “God Bless This Mess”!  Maybe it’s the sleep depravity setting in, but I will take it a step further.  Not only is He God of every detail of our lives, but He is God even in the messy details of our lives.  I am literally speechless at the thought of knowing God is ready and willing to be a part of even the messiest details of my life.  To me, that is what sets Him apart and higher than any other religion or man-made God.  He is a God who desires a relationship with us, even if that means getting a little messy!


So as you begin your week anew and get caught up in all the craziness of life, my prayer is that you would let Him be God of every detail of your life, that you would let Him be God in the messy details and Father in your weakest of moments.  Let Him be God of every second of every day, not just God during your 5 minute prayer-a-day slot.  I know it’s simple, but it will wreck you just to know that He really does care.

“And I have a plan for you,

I have a plan for you,

It’s gonna be wild!

It’s gonna be great!

It’s gonna be full of Me!”

-United Pursuit/Will Reagan

One comment

  1. pattianndt

    Jeremiah 29:11, I hold on to that verse everyday! Thank you for sharing! I pray for your safety while away from home!

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