Welcome to the new site!


Hello to all my friends, family, and everyone else who I have had the privilege to meet!  I am so excited to get to share this website with you all and really press in and dig into what God has for this next season.  Isaiah 54 has been something I have been clinging to, spreading out my tent and making room for what God has birthed in this season of my life!  I have no idea what is going to happen, but I am very expectant!

Currently, I am in camp/conference mode and might I say that it never gets old worshiping with people who are hungry for God!  As many of you already know, I have also been working on an EP since the beginning of the year, and I promise that it WILL come out! 😉  I don’t know at the moment when it will, but sooner or later I will get it out to you!

So stay tuned to the website and the blog for more updates of what is going in my world and feel free to leave comments and questions and let me know how you all are doing!  Love you all so much, and I am so thankful for all your support!


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